☣ HTGAA 2015 ☣

Table of Contents


Welcome to my "living document" repository index!

I hope to fill this with all sorts of entertaining living things and living projects related to things.

Many headings are just seedlings which may or may not grow into anything interesting, and a lot of these notes will never make sense.

DNA diagram, showing adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine

Madeline Price Ball (CC-BY-SA 3.0)


General biology notes/links

Hardware inventory @ AS220 Labs

  • [X] Thermocycler
  • [X] Microscope (optical, webcam)
  • [X] Bleach
  • [X] Isopropanol
  • [ ] Microtiter plates (sorta!)
  • [ ] Pipettes
  • [ ] Flourometer (uv light, filters)
  • [ ] Centrifuge
  • [ ] Blender
  • [ ] meat tenderizer (enzyme)
  • [ ] ultrasonic jewelery cleaning machine
  • [ ] phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine/POPC/some other lipid for liposome stuff

Glossary (TODO: merge with Romain's):

  • Acyl: R-CO- (R group can be swapped out for whatever organic molecule you want)
  • Acylated homoserine lactone: a signaling molecule in quorum sensing
  • Aliquot: part of a solution
  • Alpha-hemolysin: a toxin which breaks down (lysis) the cell walls of red blood cells
  • Amorphous silicon: random network of silicon atoms
  • Apical: At the apex (the tip)
  • C-terminus: one side of a protein
  • CoA: Oxidizes pyruvate, amongst other things
  • Cytoskeleton: proteins that make up the cell structure
  • Cytosol: the fluid in the cytoplasm
  • Degron: a sequence which triggers degradation
  • Diatom: a kind of algae
  • Entropy depletion forces: the forces behind coagulation
  • Ferritin: an iron storage protein
  • Flow cytometry: using lasers to count cells as they go by in a tiny river
  • Furanone: A lactone
  • Floccule: insoluble crumbly substance
  • Gram-negative/positive (whether it shows up in a Gram stain)
  • Highly conserved: tends to be the same between species and over time
  • Humanize: make compatible with humans
  • Isothermal: constant temperature
  • Lux operon: encodes luminescent protein genes
  • Lysis: breaking down cell membranes
  • Methionine: an amino acid
  • Moiety: the part that remains after you take something out
  • N-terminus: the other side. mRNA makes this side first!
  • NTP: nucleotide triphosphate, like ATP
  • Nanopore sequencing: Sequencing DNA by pushing it through a 1nm hole
  • Oligonucleotide: short subsection of DNA/RNA
  • Operon: a set of genes controlled by a specific promoter
  • Proteolytic: breaking proteins down into polypeptides/amino acids
  • Transposon: a "jumping gene"– a gene that inserts an extra copy of itself randomly in the chromosome
  • Vesicle pearling: when a long tubular vesicle becomes a bunch of "beads on a string"
  • Zwitterionic: a dipolar ion

Final project ideas

Links to relevant efforts, where I can find them.

Week 1, overview [2015-08-25]

Week 2, DNA nanostructures [2015-09-02]

Week 3 Synthetic minimal cells [2015-09-09]

Week 4, Next Generation Synthesis [2015-09-16]

Week 5, Bio Production [2015-09-23]

Week 6, Darwin on Steroids [2015-09-30]

Week 7, Genome Engineering [2015-10-06]

Week 8, Florescent In Situ Sequencing [2015-10-14]

Week 9, Synthetic developmental biology [2015-10-21]

Week 10, Biofabrication and additive manufacturing [2015-10-28]

Week 11, Gene drives and synthetic ecosystems [2015-11-04]

Week 12, Gut Microbiome [2015-11-11]

Week 13, Protein Folding [2015-11-18]

Week 15, Open Hardware [2015-12-02]

Week 16, IP [2015-12-09]

Week 17, final presentation [2016-01-13]

Author: Nadya B.

Created: 2016-01-13 Wed 19:29

Emacs 24.4.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
